20 January 2005
A Great Comment!
For your edification and possible enjoyment, here's a link to a post from Blue Eyed Infidel (http://www.blueeyedinfidel.com/archives/2005/01/barbara_boxer.html) on Sen. Barbara Boxhead grilling Condie Rice. I couldn't describe my reaction to that episode any better than this does, so I won't try to:
"I'd pay good money to see Condi answer one of Boxer's questions with the actual answer,
followed by, "Got it? Bitch?"
Not my first choice of descriptive vocabulary, but certainly well-deserved.
"I'd pay good money to see Condi answer one of Boxer's questions with the actual answer,
followed by, "Got it? Bitch?"
Not my first choice of descriptive vocabulary, but certainly well-deserved.