< link rel="DCTERMS.isreplacedby" href="http://www.radioactivechief.com/" > RadioActive Chief: Sioux Falls Growth on Back of Rest of State?

RadioActive Chief

Stronghold of the VRWC Committee of Correspondence in northwest Moody County. Commenting on politics, culture, science, or whatever seems interesting. --- ILLIGITIMATI NON CARBORUNDUM! ---

25 February 2005


Sioux Falls Growth on Back of Rest of State?

Sioux Falls has some problems.

There seems to be a need for more water than was previously expected, and they are trolling for extra water from the Lewis & Clark Project, at the same time some of the other communities, like Harrisburg, also are looking at that water to meet THEIR needs.

In addition, there is the need for major maintenance on the sewer system - which has been highlighted by the difficulties with the lines running under the Great Plains Zoo having some problems which require some costly repairs.

Finally, there seems to be a push from some of the "community leadership" to build both a new multi-million dollar event center, and a new community recreation center.

Looking at this all from the perspective of the Chief's VRWC bunker in Moody County, it makes an interesting pattern. All of this stuff costs money. To do it all at the same time costs a lot of money.

If Sioux Falls doesn't get ALL the excess capacity of the L & C water project (thus freezing out the other area communities, then an expensive something else will have to be done to get the water. I mean, you have to drink! This, as nature takes it's course - (think about it) inevitably leads to the sewer system situation. This has to be taken care of too, or there are problems at least as immediately noticeable as the lack of water would be. Just ask those who had the backups into their basements due to heavy rains last year.

Meanwhile, it is apparently OH SO IMPORTANT to keep up with Sioux City and Fargo, and build a brand new, shiny event center, and at the same time put it downtown where the traffic access is the stuff migraines are made of. (Now that makes it an attraction to me for sure - NOT!)

So, what's the problem? If the city ties up its disposible income on the events center, which will most likely also require an annual supporting subsidy, where will it turn for money for water? Maybe running to Washington and Pierre for help to meet this VITAL and ESSENTIAL need for the state's largest city? (Now why would I get THAT idea?) Very possibly the money would be found there too. Hence the header on this post: Sioux Falls' continued growth will end up being paid for by the rest of the taxpayers of the state (or elsewhere) while the city spends its own funds on the nice but essentially non-essential event center. (The rec center, as best I can tell is, or should be, another issue altogether.)

If this didn't happen, then I feel sorry for the taxpayers of Sioux Falls who would then have to foot the bill themselves, which ultimately would be only fitting. There is another alternative, but based on observed precedent this one is not to be expected: PRIORITIZATION! Spend money on what is NEEDED. Wait until later to get the civic bells and whistles. This would be better for Sioux Falls ultimately, and better for the rest of us too.


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