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03 March 2005


FEC Commissars Plan to Ignore Free Speech?

The coming crackdown on blogging?

I got a link to this from Sibby. This FEC Member Bradley Smith notes a highly disturbing (understatement!) possible trend in FEC regulation amd limitation of free political speech.

This sort of issue has been commented on by be before, and it STILL drives me absolutely crazy that these educated fools can so blithely ignore the plain language of the First Amendment - " Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech..."

With read the link describing the specific ideas - the degree of hair-splitting detailed regulation being discussed fully fits the definition of "totalitarian" - government exercising total control over whatever IT, or rather the people that comprise it, think needs to be regulated.

The rest of Sibby's post is well worth checking out. It hits the fundamentals of these issues very clearly. There are more relevant linkages on Instapundit, Professor Bainbridge (a must read!) and many other places by now.

If these sort of fascist-minded policies continue to be implemented, the time will (unfortunately) surely come where the bit in the 2nd Amendment will become even more significant than it is now. Again I quote Claire Wolfe - "America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but it's too early to shoot the bastards." More and more it seems like we are working our way out of that condition - but in the wrong direction. Keep your powder dry!


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