24 April 2005
Antisemitism Alive and Well in UK Academia
If it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, it must be a duck, or:
anti-semitism by any other name is still...antisemitism!
Analyzing the fatuous logic and labyrinthine rationalizations results in something ugly in the UK academic world - that seems to match up pretty closely to old ('30's) style anti-semitism.
This is further commented on by the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, with a useful comparison and reference to some old German stuff that closely parallels the current arguments being made by the post-modern Britacademicians fascist-minded anti-semites.
anti-semitism by any other name is still...antisemitism!
Analyzing the fatuous logic and labyrinthine rationalizations results in something ugly in the UK academic world - that seems to match up pretty closely to old ('30's) style anti-semitism.
This is further commented on by the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, with a useful comparison and reference to some old German stuff that closely parallels the current arguments being made by the post-modern Brit