< link rel="DCTERMS.isreplacedby" href="http://www.radioactivechief.com/" > RadioActive Chief: Climate Science in Need of Due Diligence

RadioActive Chief

Stronghold of the VRWC Committee of Correspondence in northwest Moody County. Commenting on politics, culture, science, or whatever seems interesting. --- ILLIGITIMATI NON CARBORUNDUM! ---

23 April 2005


Climate Science in Need of Due Diligence

Global Warming Not So Hot!

The Eurocrats are apparently getting opportunistically mugged by reality, just in the nick of time before they impose extreme and punitive measures to stop human mediated global warming. It seems the evidence for this occurring has so many problems, even lefty-greeny oriented Eurocrats can't ignore it. Darned! Those pesky facts just ruin all the neat plans!

The Chief likes the conclusion to the Euro-TCS post:

Von Storch believes that Michael Crichton's best-seller book 'State of Fear (Harper Collins Publishers, New York 2004) provides an accurate description of the interaction of scientists, governments and mass media in climate policy. He warns that the 'spiral of exaggeration' used by climate alarmists to catch people's attention will undermine the credibility of science.

His colleague, Karin Labitzke (a stratospheric expert of the Free University of Berlin), shares Von Storch's uneasiness. She adheres to the school which believes that the sun is the main driver of global warming. She complains about a ban on free thought ('Denkverbot') imposed on them by the supporters of man-made global warming hypothesis. Labitzke: 'The influence of the sun has been tabooed. When we talk about it, colleagues immediately reproach us for being against energy conservation.'

All this is contrary to good scientific practice. It is high time that climatologists return to old-fashioned sound science, keeping an open mind for alternative hypotheses, and keeping all kinds of distorting political and social influences at bay. They could certainly also benefit from business experience, especially as regards due diligence.

Read it for the gory details that lead up to this.


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